Welcome to Global Trash Magazine
next issue | Global Trash has published a magazine for harriers around the world since September 1993. As we resume in this coming September, our goal is to have our magazine's website back up and running even better than it was before.
If you wish to have access to more on the website, you will need to be a member or premium member, which you can get by clicking on WHO above and signing up on the World Harrier Organization Members page. Most importantly, come on back and we are working to provide a great site where harriers all around the world can find information, exchange ideas and articles, and more or less find a more friendly media and wider viewpoint for the sport of hare and hounds than ever before expressed on-line or hardcopy. | last issue |
Cheers and On On!
Stray Dog
Harrier and Haring since 1982
Editing international harrier publications since 1993
and oh yeah,
Grand Master of the World Harrier Organization